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Dr. Westaway is currently only taking clients for coaching and energy healing. Focusing on supporting her clients in this way has proved to be more empowering for them and has allowed for deeper transformation. Becoming a client of hers will not establish a doctor/patient relationship in any way.
Currently her practice is focused on coaching and energy healing. This means that she is focused on working with you to restore balance, health, vitality, and overall wellbeing. Frequently mental health and physical diagnosis do improve while working with her, but she will not be in a doctor/patient relationship as as such will not be diagnosing or treating illness. There may be times that she will refer you to a doctor or therapist if needed.
It is well documented that we are energetic beings. In fact, the electromagnetic field from a person’s heart can be measured at least three feet outside their body in all directions. Sometimes energetic fields can have interferences in them that can lead to disease. Energy healing seeks to clear those interfering patterns and restore a healthy balanced energetic field which helps us not only live with a sense of wellbeing, but allows us to more easily be present in and respond to the moment at hand rather than being stuck in a response pattern from the past.
It is not. I have worked with people of many religions and many people who would consider themselves agnostic. Many of my clients consider themselves spiritual, but without a specific religious teaching to follow. It is quite common for my clients to experience a deepening connection to their spiritual life and to feel supported in developing practices that feel aligned with their own path. I strive to support everyone I work with in connecting with the version of themselves that is whole, wise, and can express and experience unconditional love with ease. This is the energy I bring to each client regardless of their spiritual or religious path. Our work together is always collaborative and centered in a place of connection.
My clients report feeling more balanced, less anxious, less overwhelmed, improved ease and clarity in decision making, deeper connection to self and a deeper sense of spiritual connection, less triggering in relationships, improved ease in self care habits, improved sense of creativity and flow, decreased stress overall, improved efficiency at work, better sleep, improved physical energy, feeling less emotionally drained, deepening of interpersonal relationships, improved intuition, improved trust in themselves, etc. With that in mind, my clients that have the best results are those who show up fully and stay engaged in the process between sessions. I am not doing the healing - you are.